wisdom teeth

Dentist In Mass. Discovers Freakish Reality On X-Ray
Dentist In Mass. Discovers Freakish Reality On X-Ray
Dentist In Mass. Discovers Freakish Reality On X-Ray
Dental insurance in Massachusetts is a must unless you want to pay handsomely for bad brushing habits. Luckily my habits are good and I only pay for routine cleanings out of pocket. I had some X-rays taken the last time I was there and the dentist discovered a freakish reality...
This Massachusetts Man Has 8 Wisdom Teeth
This Massachusetts Man Has 8 Wisdom Teeth
This Massachusetts Man Has 8 Wisdom Teeth
I just got the text reminding me of my upcoming cleaning at the dentist. I try to go every six months, but at the very least, I go once a year. I don't love tooth pain. I bet you don't either. A few years ago during a routine cleaning with X-Rays, my dentist found something pretty rare in my mouth, something I didn't know was possible...
MA Dentists See This Super Rare Condition In Only 1% Of Patients
MA Dentists See This Super Rare Condition In Only 1% Of Patients
MA Dentists See This Super Rare Condition In Only 1% Of Patients
I just got the text reminding me of my upcoming cleaning at the dentist. I try to go every six months, but at the very least, I go once a year. I don't love tooth pain. I bet you don't either. A few years ago during a routine cleaning with X-Rays, my dentist found something pretty rare in my mouth, something I didn't know was possible...