5 Pittsfield Laws You Didn’t Know Were A Thing
With a little assistance from Councilor Pete White, I was reminded of/told for the first time about some Pittsfield laws.
Although you may not get arrested, you could technically get cited for it. The following come from Pittsfield CIty Hall.
1. You may not beep your horn unless your vehicle is moving.
Horns or signaling devices. No person shall sound or blow any horn or signaling device on any automobile, truck, bus, motorcycle, or other vehicle while not in motion, except as a danger signal if another vehicle is approaching, apparently out of control; no person shall do so from any such vehicle in motion except as a danger signal after or as brakes are being applied and deceleration of the vehicle is intended; no person shall create by means of any such signaling device any unreasonably loud or harsh sound; no person shall sound such a device for any unnecessary and unreasonable time.
2. You may not wash your car in your driveway.
Water from individual residential car washing; washing and rinsing should be done on grass area.
3. Auxiliary Police can arrest you.
Auxiliary police appointed by the mayor and city council shall, when placed on duty by order of the chief of police, exercise or perform the full powers or duties of regular police officers. These powers shall terminate when the auxiliary police are relieved from duty by the chief of police. These powers will include the carrying of firearms only when specified by the chief of police.
4. You may not play wiffle ball, street hockey, or football in the street.
No person shall, within the limits of any street or highway in the City, play at any game of ball, or fly any kite or balloon, or throw any stones or other missiles, or engage in any other game, amusement or exercise interfering with the free, safe and convenient use of such street or highway by any person traveling thereon.
5. You may play a musical instrument in the street except after 9:30 p.m.
No person shall play or perform on any musical instrument in any street or public place within the city between the hours of 9:30 p.m. and 6:00 a.m. or on Sundays, except upon the written permit of the chief of police or other officer in charge of the police department. The words "musical instrument" shall be construed to include a drum.