Any Insomniacs Out There In Berkshire County? We Can Help
Let's face it: Lots of us are wrestling with the opportunity to get a good night's sleep (present company included) and the task at hand just does not get completed. We have some suggestions on how our Berkshire listeners and those in our surrounding areas can get that much needed rest. For starters, try to turn in at the same time each and every day and this practice should be implemented for a full week as this targeted bedtime could be a barometer to get the ball rolling.
Another idea is to practice a gentle form of yoga which will release any excessive tension and this method would put the individual in a deep sense of relaxation prior to turning in. You can also ease yourself into a consistent sleep pattern by implementing meditation in your system where the mind takes you into a "happier type of place" and within minutes, you will experience a realm that cannot be duplicated in any way, shape or form. Breathing exercises are also recommended as this method can also transport you into a different world where you want to close your eyes and get away from the realm of reality.
It is also suggested that you keep ALL electronic devices away from the bedroom as the telephone and computer should be off limits within the hour of your targeted bedtime. It is also recommended that you don't watch TV and use that time to transfix yourself into the pattern of getting the much needed rest that you have been craving. Simply put: Avoid all distractions and the goal will be met.
How many times have you grabbed a sugary snack prior to sleeping? The goal is to phase this out and make sure you don't turn in until about an hour after you consume a substantial dinner as this pre-mature practice could have a major effect on your digestive system. An alternative is to pour yourself a cup of herbal tea to soothe things out and satisfy your craving for something sweet. Yogurt is also a good option topped with nuts or granola.
Finally, use your bedroom as an oasis as I discovered endless possibilities when checking into a hotel, this is when I will sleep better than in my own residence. Don't ask me why, but the end result is a significant "change of environment" and you can treat that option in your own dwelling by setting the mood and even putting that tasty piece of dark chocolate under your pillow. Give yourself the royal treatment and you'll see this will pay dividends, for sure!
By following these guidelines, it will be a terrific way of recharging yourself in more ways than one. Close your eyes and enter another dimension (I'm NOT referring to "The Twilight Zone", but if that's where you want to go, it's A-OK with me!) Good night and sweet dreams!
KEEP READING: 15 Natural Ways to Improve Your Sleep