City Hall Drop For All Correspondence, Ballots Included
These days, things can get a little hectic and crazy. Understanding this, the City of Pittsfield and the Mayor's Office wanted to issue a little reminder. From the Press Release:
– As a reminder, the secure drop box that is installed in the rear of City Hall is available for all correspondence, including the submission of state primary ballots.
“In recent days, we have received many inquiries regarding state primary ballots and the city’s drop box. We want to assure voters that they can safely deposit their ballots in the City of Pittsfield’s drop box, which is checked by staffers frequently throughout the day,” said City Clerk Michele Benjamin.
The drop box was installed in March due to the closure of Pittsfield municipal offices and buildings to contain the spread of COVID-19. Since its placement, the drop box has provided community members with an easy-to-use and safe method to submit their communications to City Hall.
For more information and a list of frequently asked questions, please visit the city’s website, www.cityofpittsfield.org and click on Registrar of Voters or call 413-499-9460.
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