Fifth Positive Test for West Nile in Pittsfield Leads to Additional Spraying
Another positive test for West Nile Virus in Pittsfield has lead to another scheduled spraying.
The Massachusetts Department of Public Health has confirmed the presence of West Nile Virus in samples of mosquitoes collected by the Berkshire County Mosquito Control Project in Pittsfield. According to the city's health director Gina Armstrong, this is the fifth positive sample within five weeks.
A truck-mounted mosquito spraying is scheduled for Monday night, Aug. 13 within a one-mile radius of the Pecks Road and Wahconah Street intersection. The spraying will occur between 10 p.m. and midnight. If the weather doesn't cooperate on Monday night, a rain date is scheduled for Tuesday night at the same time.
For those in that area, or any area in the City, that would like to be excluded from pesticide application, you can submit an Exclusion Request Form, which you can find right here.
or more information about mosquito borne viruses call the Pittsfield Health Department at 499-9411 or visit the City of Pittsfield Health Department page.
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