Is there anything better than pie?  It can be savory or sweet.  Pie can be for vegetarians and meat eaters.  The only thing not to love about pie is that is usually filled with calories, (if you do it right) so it's not an everyday food.

Every state has one place where they know how to do pie, and according to LoveFood, in New Hampshire, it's the Black Forest Cafe in Amherst.  

The Black Forest Cafe and Bakery is right on Route 101 in Amherst, a very busy commuter road that runs through Amherst and the Monadnock Region to Manchester to the Seacoast.  The sign is big, beautiful, and inviting.  They have a restaurant that you can sit down and eat, or you can take a right as you walk into the door and get things to go, including pie, wonderful pie.

LoveFood can have their opinions, of course, and I'm not saying I wouldn't agree that they have delicious pie at the Black Forest Cafe.  They have the LOOK of a delicious pie absolutely down, but do they taste the best?

Here are three other places that I can think of off the top of my head that I would consider right up there with the Black Forest Cafe and Bakery.

Harvey's Bakery in Central Ave in Dover, New Hampshire.  Coconut Creme is my favorite, and you can taste the love with each bite.

The Galley Hatch in Hampton, New Hampshire.  A friend of mine said that chocolate mousse pie is the best thing she's ever put in her mouth, and she's put a lot of stuff in there.  I agree.  Mind-blowing.

The Bakeshop on Kelley Street in Manchester, New Hampshire.  I am friends with the owner of this place, and it's because I love her pies, muffins, and everything.  Denise Nickerson is the best baker in the state, hands down.  I would choose her all day long, LoveFood.  Just a suggestion.

One more for good measure: in Maine, the Union River Lobster Pot has the most amazing blueberry pie in the world (boy I love pie....those rolled out of my head at lightning speed).

Where is your favorite pie place?

14 Favorite New Hampshire Restaurants, According to Granite Staters

Gallery Credit: Megan

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