MA Residents: Beware of These New England “Tourist Traps”
Next time, you plan on a trip to our capital city, Boston try to bypass the overcrowded locale known as Faneuil Hall and Quincy Market. Both establishments have been in existence since 1742, but you'll wind up going broke quickly as the area is considered to be a glorified food court and sells items that are best described as "tacky".
(Fanueil Hall photo image courtesy of Eric Kilby)
Believe me, you can choose better restaurants in Bas-tahn that will satisfy your appetite and you won't be spending as much. The Bay state's capital has a plethora of other locations will offer top quality dining and souvenirs at reasonable prices.
South of the border, in Connecticut, there is a place in Middletown simply known as Wild Bills Nostalgia Store. This locale is a magnetic draw as visitors stop at a place which is "a quirky roadside pop culture establishment".
The highlight is the world's largest Jack-In-The-Box (how apropos with Halloween right around the corner). Locals call this place "a hyped-up flea market" that will surely set you back on your financial budget. An alternative: Try making a stop to a local resident's tag sale where in the long run, you'll save a massive amount of money and help out the local economy.
New Hampshire provides you with a perfect day trip, but be advised if you're in Lincoln, the nostalgic Clark's Trading Post STILL welcomes visitors as their biggest draw is a series of trained bear shows, bumper boats, Segways and a steam train. Tickets are expensive as my alternative is to stroll Hampton Beach which is also a popular tourist destination in The Granite State or pay a visit to the Concord, the capital city. Perfect alternatives for a day trip if you ask me.
North of Rhode Island, you can find The Desert of Maine, but it's not exactly a facsimile of the famed Sahara. It is actually an empty lot that is surrounded by pine trees. geographers consider the domain as an arid area but the plaster camels and pricey souvenirs will definitely make you want to continue your journey elsewhere. Statistics show over 30 thousand tourists head 20 minutes from Portland to check this scenario out. the question is "WHY?"
Finally, we head to Vermont as their Rock of Ages granite quarry located way north in Barre is NOT like going west to The Grand Canyon. Those who offer the tour of this facility make tombstones on the side and save your money on their overpriced trinkets and jewelry. A better alternative: Spend the day heading up route 7 to Bennington, a city rich in history and you'll also find an assortment of fine restaurants and reasonably priced souvenirs, plus it's a lot closer than going to Barre.
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Gallery Credit: Sarah Jones
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