Recently I spent the weekend in Pittsburgh, a city famous for putting French Fries on their salads and the best Perogies outside of Poland. While we were there our Uber driving asked what foods Massachusetts signature dish was. I had to stop and think, because there are so many to choose from.

Food Massachusetts is Famous Food

We compiled list of the most famous dishes we have in Massachusetts, regionally and state-wide. I always find it interesting that some of the foods that people most associate with the state are actually Massachusetts residents eat the least. Take example number one on our list.

Boston Baked Beans

So this is always at the top of the list when it comes to famous Massachusetts foods, but it's the one that I reallllyyy don't think it's that popular. It's more kind of a stereotypical dish rather than one that's actually served and cherished all over the Commonwealth. According to Trip Savy, beans slow-baked in molasses have been a favorite Boston dish since colonial days, when the city had an abundance of molasses due to its massive amount of rum-production that was part of the Triangle Trade.

Baked Beans

Clam Chowder

CHOWDAAAA!! While very few people who live in Massachusetts actually pronounce Chowder that way, the Boston accent certainly makes it fun. The famous Clam Chowder is a favorite of Bay State residents and perfect for our cold winter months, and don't even think about offering us the Manhattan kind.


Boston Cream Pie

What does this delicious pastry have to do with the capital city of Boston? According to Bake from Scratch dessert is often said to have been invented by Ho Chi Minh at Boston's Omni Parker House, where the future Communist revolutionary worked as a baker around 1912. Heavy history, but delicious in the present day.

Homemade Chocolate Boston Cream Pie

Fried Clams

This New England seafood favorite has deep roots in Massachusetts because they were invented here. The modern deep-fried, breaded version of clams are were created by Lawrence Henry "Chubby" Woodman from Essex, Massachusetts. He is said to have created the first batch in 1916 at his tiny roadside restaurant which is now the very famous Woodman's of Essex.

Kelly's Roast Beef Facebook
Kelly's Roast Beef Facebook

Lobster Rolls

Even as a born and bred Massachusetts resident, I have to say that for me personally, the Lobster Roll belongs to the state of Maine and I have a hunch alot of locals to New England would agree. HOWEVER, many, many folks still associate the delicious summertime classic with the Bay State. Truth be told, the best lobster comes from just up the coast in Maine.

Lobster and sauce roll bap with tomatoes

Cannolis (Specifically Mike's Pastry)

While Massachusetts and specifically Boston has deep ties to Irish roots, one of the culinary meccas of the capital city is the North End. Think Little Italy of Boston. Some of, if not the best, restaurants are located in the North End and for dessert non is more famous the cannolis at Mike's Pastry's on Hanover. While locals might be more partial to Modern Bakery or Parziale's, Mike's is extremely popular with visitors and is constantly packed.

typical Sicilian cannoli stuffed with ricotta

Apple Cider Donuts

These delicious fall treats are a source of pride in Massachusetts and the best Apple Cider Donuts are made two hours west of Boston in The Berkshires. With world-class orchards that peak in the autumn season, there is truly no better taste, or smell, than a fresh, hot Apple Cider Donut.


Baby Hot Dogs

You might be wondering, what the heck is a baby hot dog? Well, it's exactly what you think it is. A tiny version of a hot dog, about three inches in length. These tasty treats are also regional to Western Massachusetts and are served in a steamed bun with a variety of toppings.



While France and other Mediterranean countries claim to have the best oyters in the world, Massachusetts represents the U.S. very well in the world of raw bars. All of Massachusetts best oysters of course come from the Cape, but Wellfleet oyters are probably the most famous. I recent years tons of boutique oyster farms have sprung up that there are great spots to try all over Cape Cod, as well as Duxbury and Plymouth.




oysters with lemon

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