Pittsfield Councilor Maffuccio Submits Plea To Help Homeless Quarantine
As a Elected City Office and for those less fortunate that have no voice or way to plea, I am publicly asking the Mayor and our Representatives to take action like the Mayor in Suffolk to take a public vacant city building and repurpose one to provide a safe space for the homeless to self-quarantine.
I realize we have a great superior of organizations in our community, but they also have limited resources to provide for all the homeless in our community.
I pray that our Mayor and other city leaders come together swiftly to help those who will be added to out homeless population especially since we will loose 20 plus emergency wintertime cots at our sole shelters for individuals in just a matter of days and will loose 30 plus emergency wintertime cots offered at Solider-On on April 15th , this is certainly unfair that we’ll soon have 50 plus more homeless people to add to the 15 people that we know of who didn’t access the cots during the winter to be left to live and sleep in the elements during this stay-at-home Covid-19 advisory.
We must take swift action now to protect those less fortunate and our general public’s health. Please Please Please let's work together for all.
Respectfully Submitted, Anthony V Maffuccio City Councilor Ward 7.