Plan Ahead To Get Into The Holiday Spirit This Season
As we slowly but surely get into the month of December, it won't be long until Chanukkah and Christmas celebrations settle into our tri-state region. To get everyone prepared, here is a check list of major events that will be presented to the public as we strive to return into a sense of normalcy after the COVID-19 pandemic scrubbed most of these annual events in our listening area, but we are happy to say that everything is on the right track (let's hope so). Shall we get started?
The public is encouraged to attend a holiday walk or festival as this is a terrific opportunity to mingle with your neighbors and show support for the residential community that has become a daily staple in life.
A Light Up The Holidays celebration will take place in Dalton. Get more details by logging on to the town's web site. A similar get together will also commence in Williamstown as the north country also gets into a festive state of mind. Details can be found by logging on here.
A holiday walk is scheduled for early December in Stockbridge and don't forget to check out Naumkeag House and Garden's Winter Lights Display which always draws a crowd as reservations should be made in advance. You can get more information by checking in to The Stockbridge Chamber's web site by accessing this link.
Mark your calendars for December 11th as The Annual Holiday Stroll and Menorah lighting is on as scheduled on Main Street in Great Barrington. This is a terrific way to "SHOP LOCAL" and assist in the regeneration of our local economy as the added boost is welcome by ALL local and area merchants. For more information, head to The Southern Berkshire County Chamber of Commerce's web page.
Don't forget while you are shopping to "pay it forward" as your contributions can assist those in need during these trying times. here are some options on how that task at hand could be accomplished:
The Berkshire Mall's Giving Tree will be on display in Lanesborough as shoppers can leave their donations underneath Ol' Tannenbaum. If you need more details, log on here.
Sheffield Kiwanis is once again accepting donations for their "Warm The Children" program which provides up to $80 of new winter attire for local children in need. More information can be obtained by logging on their web site.
Southern Berkshire District Court located at 9 Gilmore Avenue in Great Barrington is currently holding a clothing drive until December 15th from 9 and 4 pm as all contributions assist those in need for the upcoming winter months.
Between now and December 6th, drop off children's sleepwear at Carr Hardware locations in Great Barrington, Lenox and North Adams as they have once again teamed up for the annual P-J Library Drive. Donations will also be accepted at The Jewish Federation of The Berkshires on South Street in Pittsfield.
From ALL of us, to ALL of you chiming in on this article, here's to a happy, joyous and safe holiday season.
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