Slater’s Top 5 Favorite Polar Seltzer Flavors
Here's a nice narcissistic post for ya. I mean, you don't wanna know MY favorite Polar seltzer flavors? I gotta say, though, I feel addicted. I think it's a gulp and burp problem.
I was addicted to Diet Coke for about a decade, then I switched to seltzer; a switch I certainly don't regret.
Polar is my go-to. Don't get me wrong, I've tried the others, but I always crawl back to the Polar brand. No, it's not a Massachusetts pride thing, I just feel the carbonation in the canned version is PERFECT. Oddly, I feel the plastic bottled form is TOO fizzy.
The following are just the seltzers, not the seltzer-ade, or any other variation...
My Top Five Polar Seltzer Flavors!
5. Lemon.
I know, I know, it's a little basic and boring, but this original flavor still satisfies on a hot summer day. Let's face it, some lemon flavors taste like Lemon Pledge, but not this one.
4. Cranberry Lime.
Just enough bite and not too lime-y.
3. Orange Vanilla.
I'm not one for a ton of sweets, especially in a drink, but this is like a sugar free orange creamsicle! Delicious.
2. Pink Apple and Lemon.
I believe this flavor is fairly new. I don't even know what a pink apple is, but this combo is GREAT!
1. Ruby Red Grapefruit.
The GOAT. No question. I can easily hammer six of these guys A DAY. Simple. Refreshing.
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