If you went to charm school back in the day, you probably thought there would never be a day where the dinner setup would include anything outside of silverware, glasses, plates, bowls, etc. Now, for at least in one-third of us, smartphones are being added to the dinner table.

These numbers were put together in a survey done by Nutrisystem, and reported by CBS Miami. Of the 2,000 people surveyed, a little over 29-percent said they openly use their smartphones during meals. Which shouldn't be a shocking revelation, of those surveyed that were between the ages of 18 and 25, 35 percent said they absolutely needed to have their phones nearby.

In addition to those, somewhat, staggering numbers, the same people were asked whether or not they watch television while eating. In this particular case, 72 percent said that they do. According to CBS Miami, the consensus was that watching TV was "better than conversation with friends and family."

I will admit that I have been guilty of doing both of these things. A lot of times, I am working and I don't get to have that regular dinner time with my family. But I can tell you this, when I am home with my wife and son during dinner time, I will be much more weary of that behavior.

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