Study Shows: Massachusetts Drinkers Unwilling to Take a Break From Alcohol
There are a number of months that casual drinkers will take a break from alcohol. There are plenty of reasons why someone might choose to give up booze for “Dry January” or Sober October.”
According to Mel Magazine in the last 4-years, the participation of “Dry January” by drinkers has increased fifteenfold. According to the online site, 75,000 people participated in “Go Sobor for October.” Those results are based on a Canadian study.
Here in Massachusetts according to a study just released by American Addiction Centers Mass drinkers are near the top of the list of states where residents never give up alcohol for a prolonged period of time. According to the study, 25% of those that drink in Massachusetts have not bought into the premiss of not drinking for a period of time.
The results of the AAC study show that only Minnesota, Connecticut, New York, Nebraska, and Pennsylvania have a higher percentage than Massachusetts. Minnesota has the highest percentage at 32% with New York, Connecticut, Nebraska, and Pennsylvania at 27% continuing to consistently indulge in the consumption of alcoholic beverages. Tying Massachusetts at 25% is Maine and Maryland.
Delaware has the highest level of drinkers taking a break from the sauce with only 7% of those surveyed saying they never take a break. Idaho was just behind Delaware at 8% according to the American Addiction Centers survey.
Over half of those surveyed said they were more likely to go on a diet than give up alcohol for a month, although alcohol is a major source of weight gain. The AAC survey shows that those that did put the breaks on their alcohol consumption for a period of time benefited from the break. According to the survey, 30% said the biggest benefit was “Better Brain Function” and “Fewer Calories.” The other benefits listed included at 14% a “Healthier G.I System” …at 11% “Better Sleep” and 9% said “Better Metabolism.”
The results are based on a sample size of 3,255 respondents and other data points according to the AAC. You can access the complete study by clicking on the link to the American Addiction Centers survey.
If you or a loved one would like more information on fighting an addiction issue information can be accessed by clicking on this link to the American Addiction Centers website or by calling 888-987-6323.
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