Serial Killer Rumored To Return To This Massachusetts TownSerial Killer Rumored To Return To This Massachusetts TownMichael Myers is a well known slasher from Halloween who is expected to return to Adams, Massachusetts this year.Ryan PauseRyan Pause
Michael Myers Spotted In This Small MA. Berkshire Town!Michael Myers Spotted In This Small MA. Berkshire Town!Michael Myers, who originally starred in American independent slasher film well known as 'Halloween" back in 1978 makes an appearance in Adams, Massachusetts!Ryan PauseRyan Pause
Heck of a Review: 'Halloween'Heck of a Review: 'Halloween'I got the chance to see the new 'Halloween' flick last night. Here are my thoughts on the highly anticipated next chapter.Mike HeckMike Heck
WATCH: First 'Halloween' TrailerWATCH: First 'Halloween' TrailerWatch the trailer for "Halloween", which hits theaters in October. Mike HeckMike Heck