Today is The Best Day to Buy Boston Bruins Tickets
For those of your who aren't Patriots fans, right about now your team's record might have you thinking more about hockey season, or maybe as a Dallas Cowboys fan I'm just projecting. The point is, if you're going to buy tickets to any single Boston Bruins game, today is the day to do it.
The Boston Bruins notified fans yesterday, that until 11:59 p.m. today and today only, anyone purchasing tickets for any home game will pay no additional ticket fees. There is an eight ticket limit per game, but multiple games may be purchased.
This might not seem like that big a deal, but those who have bought tickets before will tell you, multiple fees per ticket can tack a hefty amount onto to your final charges. In today's ticket market, it's rare to pay face value, let alone without any additional fees.
Check out available seats and tickets here!
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