Survey Lists What Massachusetts Moms REALLY Want For Mother’s Day
As I'm sure you're all well aware, Berkshire County, Mother's Day will be here before you know it. Did you shop for a gift for Mom yet? Oh, you did! Nice job! Do you think it's the perfect gift? Something your Mom will absolutely love?
Well, the good news is, chances are excellent that your Mom will love the gift no matter what it is because she's your Mom. She loves you and that's why you love her. But consider this: What you think your Mom wants for Mother's Day, what she tells you she wants for Mother's Day, and what she really wants may be totally different things.
It turns out that the gambling website Time2Play asked moms in all 50 states what their perfect Mother's Day gift would be because, let's face it, being a Mom is probably the hardest job in the world and we want to bequeath Mom with the ideal gift.
For the survey, Time2Play only surveyed moms who still have kids currently living at home. You want to hazard a guess as to what the majority of moms in the Great Bay State would love to get for Mother's Day?
According to Time2Play's survey, Massachusetts moms would love some help with chores, believe it or not. That's what they wanted most. Overall, the most popular response to the question of what moms wanted the most on Mother's Day was to take a nap. Moms in 18 states said that's what they would love most.
Another popular survey response was to take a break from cooking. That response was most popular from moms in 13 states. Meanwhile, in 10 states, moms responded with they would love a day without chores.
There's much more fun info to be gleaned from the survey. Take a look yourself at Time2Play's website here.