What Model Year Is ‘Antique’ In Massachusetts?
Happy New Year!
Classic cars are the hobby of many people here in Massachusetts with antique car displays filling venues. People are definitely passionate about their vehicles and it shows.
The Fourth Generation Ford Mustang GT (1994-2004) pictured below
When Is Your Vehicle Considered "Antique" or "Classic" In Massachusetts?
I passed this older Chevy pick up truck on the way to work today and it got me thinking...
Welcome to 2024!
Vehicles that are older than 25 years are considered antique or classic in Massachusetts, so any vehicle from 1999 or before.
There are some cool things you can apply for at the RMV for special plates, although you certainly don't have too.
You cannot use a vehicle with an "antique" tag for regular driving use in Massachusetts.
Antique Plates In Massachusetts
An “antique motor car” is any motor vehicle over twenty-five years old which is maintained solely for use in exhibitions, club activities, parades, and other functions of public interest.
This includes test drives to prepare for such functions and transportation to and from repair facilities, and not used primarily for the transportation of passengers or goods over any way. A motorcycle is eligible for an Antique registration plate.
Year of Manufacture Plates in Massachusetts
A “Year of Manufacture Plate” is a registration plate (in the possession of the Applicant) originally issued by the Commonwealth in the exact year of manufacture of the antique motor car to which it is proposed to be attached.
If no registration plate(s) was issued in a particular year, a registration plate originally issued in a prior year may be approved by the Registrar for use as a Year of Manufacturer Plate on the “antique motor ca” to which it is proposed to be attached. Year of Manufacture Vanity Plates or Year of Manufacture Antique Plates are not available. -mass.gov
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