Farmer’s Almanac Prediction for Rest of Massachusetts Winter 2025
Massachusetts has seen a return to a typical New England winter. Last year we were a bit spoiled by mild temperatures and scarce snowfall. This year, however, we have been experiencing chilly temperatures and a steady intake of snow albeit no major snow storms have clobbered us up to this point.

What's the Massachusetts Weather Outlook for the Rest of the Winter Season?
With the last week of January approaching you may be wondering what the rest of the winter season is going to look like as we march toward spring 2025. According to the Old Farmer's Almanac, the last week of January will bring snow showers to the northern part of the Northeast and sunshine to the southern end. Chilly temperatures (30 or less) can be expected as well.
Weather Outlook for Eastern Massachusetts
For February, eastern Massachusetts including areas like Boston can expect sunshine, flurries, and an average temperature of about 33 for the month. Some weeks including February 11 and 25 will bring mild temperatures. No major snowstorms are on the horizon in this part of the state.
Weather Outlook for Western Massachusetts
Over in Western Massachusetts including areas like the Berkshires, February will bring an average temperature of about 21 for the month. Flurries and snow showers can be expected throughout the month with a possible snowstorm looming for the week of February 9.
Weather Outlook for Central Massachusetts
Central Massachusetts including Worcester can expect an average temperature of approximately 33 for February. Sunshine, rain, snow showers, and flurries can be expected in this part of the state during the second month of the year.
What About the Month of March for Massachusetts?
According to the Old Farmer's Almanac, all of the northeast can expect another round of cold temperatures in late February. March will bring some more chilly temperatures to Massachusetts but whether a major storm will strike is still up in the air. More details on the March forecast for the Bay State are coming soon. Stay warm.
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Gallery Credit: Anuradha Varanasi
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