You may have heard that Barrington Stage in Pittsfield will be postponing its 2020 season to 2021. It is another blow to theater goers, who will probably be anxious to go out and see a show when the pandemic is finally over. Unfortunately, any planned trip to Barrington Stage will have to wait until at least October. A production of Arthur Miller's "The Price," has not been cancelled will go on as scheduled then.

Barrington Stage Artistic Director Julianne Boyd sent out a heartfelt letter on Tuesday to friends of the theater, announcing the unfortunate news…

Dear friends,

The world seems to be moving at lightning speed, and we are so grateful to you, our loyal patrons, for being patient as we determined the best path forward in 2020.

Due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, Barrington Stage is postponing our previously announced 2020 season until the summer of 2021. We want to present these plays and musicals to you, as intended, in glorious full productions, and that is just not possible this year.

However, we think there is a strong need to do an alternate season that honors live theatre, that allows us to assemble safely and reminds us we are not alone in this self-isolated world we find ourselves in. We want to give you a safe place where you can experience wonderful stories and music and for a few short hours transport you to a different world.

We have carefully devised a plan on how to proceed in the most responsible way possible, which includes following social distancing (SD) guidelines to ensure the safety of our performers and audiences.* Given the extensive precautions and preventive measures we are taking, we look forward to being able to support the artists, the staff and the Pittsfield community through what we do best — live theatre.



After some scheduling details that you can find on the Barrington Stage Website, Boyd concluded her letter by thanking Barrington Stage supporters…

Thank you all for your patience and support. It is greatly appreciated — and needed — at this difficult time.

Be well, take care, and thank you.



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