10 Simple Words That Massachusetts People Say Wrong
Being in broadcasting, it really behooves me not to pronounce words incorrectly. I've definitely looked up many words' pronunciation before saying so on-air. I really don't love sounding like an idiot.
However, even the simplest of words are pronounced or "said wrong" all of the time and the cycle continues.
10 Simple Words That Massachusetts People Say Wrong
1. Jewelry.
Incorrect: JOOL-ERY.
Correct: JEWEL-REE.
2. Athlete.
Incorrect: ATHA-LEET.
Correct: ATH-LEET.
3. Et Cetera.
Incorrect: EX-SET-TERA.
Correct: ET-SET-TERA.
4. Federal.
Incorrect: FED-DRUHL.
Correct: FED-ER-ULL.
5. Prescription.
Incorrect: PER-SCRIP-SHUN.
6. Mayonnaise.
Incorrect: MAY-NAZE.
Correct: MAYON-AZE.
7. Parliament.
Incorrect: PARLA-MENT.
8. Supposedly.
Incorrect: SUPP-OZE-UBLY.
9. Gyro.
Incorrect: JAI-ROE.
Correct: YEER-OH.
10. Squirrel.
Incorrect: SK-WUR-ULL.
Correct: SK-WHIRL.
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