Early Voting Underway; Everything You Need to Know
The primary election will take place on Tuesday, September 1 and will include the primary races for U.S. Senate and the U.S. House (Congressional seat). The full primary ballot can be viewed here.
Not sure if you're registered? You can check your status here.
Not registered? It's too late for you to participate in the Sept. 1 primary, but it's not too late to register to participate in the general election on November 3. Register to vote here, it takes less than three minutes.
Anyone who is registered to vote is welcome to participate in early voting.
City Hall in Pittsfield will be open on the following days and times for early voting purposes only:
• Saturday, August 22nd: 2PM-7PM
(Voter registration will be available from 7PM-8PM)
• Sunday, August 23rd: 8AM-1PM
• Monday, August 24th – Friday, August 28th: 8:30AM-4PM
A face covering is required to enter the building and voters are asked to follow social distancing guidelines and maintain a distance of 6 feet from others.
Early voting will be held in the City Council chambers, located on the second floor of the building.
Entry to City Hall will be limited to the Allen Street accessible ramp entrance only. Upon entry, voters will be greeted by an election worker and directed to the second floor for voting. Elevator will be accessible if needed.
Voters will check-in with an election worker at a designated entrance to the council chambers. Once complete, the voter will be directed to a designated exit from the council chambers, and will continue to exit the building using the Fenn Street exit door.
The last day to register to vote will be Saturday, August 22nd. Citizens may register to vote on this day from 7PM-8PM in the Registrar’s Office

Other municipalities provided their early voting information to iBerkshires.com:
- Saturday, Aug. 22, 2 to 4 p.m.
- Sunday, Aug. 23, 1 to 3 p.m.
- Monday, Aug. 24, 11 to 4
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