Independence Day is right around the corner which means many Massachusetts residents from Boston to the Berkshires will be attending parades, hosting cookouts, and spending time on the beach.

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Another activity that is synonymous with the July 4th holiday is fireworks. While many people will be attending firework displays this serves as a friendly reminder that lighting off fireworks in Massachusetts is illegal ditto if you possess or sell them. According to, the only exception to this law is if you have a permit and are certified to partake in any of these activities related to fireworks and/or the use of fireworks in Massachusetts.

There Have Been Many Serious Injuries in Massachusetts Involving the Illegal Use of Fireworks states that there have been more than 500 fires and explosions involving illegal fireworks in Massachusetts in the past five years. Seven firefighters were injured in these incidents, and damages were estimated at more than $1.5 million. The site also notes the following regarding medical facilities treating injuries related to fireworks.

Between 2019 and 2023, Massachusetts medical facilities treated more than 200 people for burns and other injuries associated with fireworks. Two dozen people were treated for severe burn injuries that covered 5% or more of the victim’s body.


What About Sparklers? Can I Use Those in Massachusetts? 

While sparklers are fun they also fall under the Massachusetts fireworks law. While it may be fun to play with fireworks you may want to think twice if you live or are visiting Massachusetts as the juice ain't worth the squeeze if you get caught. Plus, who wants to be heading to the emergency room on the July 4th holiday?

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