How Did This Massachusetts Town Become the Most Hippie Town in the State?
When you think of Massachusetts, you might think of its rich history, Boston, all the sports teams, Cape Cod, Martha's Vineyard, Salem, Nantucket, etc. But it's a little bit of a stretch to think of any place in Massachusetts as the 'most hippie town' throughout the entire Bay State, right? However, it seems that one particular town in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts has claimed that title.
According to Merriam-Webster's Dictionary, 'hippie' is defined as:
a usually young person who rejects the mores of established society (as by dressing unconventionally or favoring communal living) and advocates a nonviolent ethic
So, if there's one spot in Massachusetts that should be known for people as such residing in that town, what would it be?
The publication 'Thrillist' named the most hippie town in all 50 states. As it turns out, in Massachusetts, that town in Northampton.
It was recently that Northampton was named as one of the most underrated spots to live in the U.S. Now, they are the most hippie town in Massachusetts. Here is what 'Thrillist' had to say about it:
Massachusetts is already a liberal place, but most of it isn't exactly what you'd call bohemian, especially when a rabid Sox fan is yelling obscenities in your face for going to Starbucks instead of Dunkin'. But you won't find that kind of noise in Northampton, arguably one of the best small towns in the country...This free-spirited town sits in the Pioneer Valley, an epicenter of hippie get-away-from-it-all mentality in the state. It's known for art and music festivals, a high percentage of leftover graduates from such nearby weirdo sanctuaries as Hampshire, Amherst, and Smith Colleges, and some of the most pronouncedly progressive/countercultural politics in America. Northampton is also replete with "greenery," which you can interpret how you like but is equally appropriate either way.
For those that have been through there, it's definitely hard to argue their main points about the town. Perhaps you might want to take a weekend to make your way around Northampton and see if you agree with it being the 'most hippie town in Massachusetts'.
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