NY Kiss Fan Snow Blows Street in Gene Simmons Costume (Video)
If you're ever driving along on Route 7 in Great Barrington and you see our south Berkshire station (WSBS), feel free to stop in and say hello. The station is located at 425 Stockbridge Road, Great Barrington. One of the unique things you'll see at this site is an office full of Kiss posters and memorabilia. Yes, it's my office.
Kiss Office Located in Great Barrington, MA
Anyone who knows me knows that I'm a big Kiss fan. I'm not the biggest fan in the world, probably not even in Berkshire County but I definitely love their music and have seen the "Hottest Band in the World" more than a dozen times. Even if you're not a Kiss fan, it's worth a visit to one of their concerts as the spectacle and experience alone is worth a trip. They won't be touring for too much longer, so strike while the iron is hot.
One exceptionally fun and funny video my wife came across online recently, was an article and video about an Endicott, New York drummer and resident named Tommy Sedlock who decided this past Saturday to walk outside his home and start up the snowblower. Normal enough, correct? Yes, but in Sedlock's case, he did it in a full Gene Simmons costume with the classic Kiss hit "Rock and Roll All Nite' playing in the background (video below).
As you can imagine, I love this video and it got me thinking about some dress-up possibilities the next time I have to go out and snow blow my driveway. Of course, I'll need to save up for the costume first. Check out the video below. In a word "fun."
Press Connects wrote the original article which you can read by going here.