Officer Derby Wants An Ice Cream Truck For PPD
As if toys, snacks, and basketball hoops weren't enough, Officer Derby is at it again. Learning two years ago that the Boston Police Department has an ice cream truck, Derby wants to acquire one for Pittsfield Police to use for our community.
Officers Darren Derby and Sean Klink can often be seen out about engaging with the city's youth to try an establish a healthy and trusting relationship between them and law enforcement officers. Ice cream seems to be a nice way to reach out.
Derby is now figuring out exactly how to get the funds for a truck. A part of that is figuring out exactly where the donations can be accepted. He is scheduling a meeting with the city's Finance Department to see if he can create a revolving account to collect donations toward the purchase. If that doesn't work, he'll work with non-profits to see if any of them would take it on and own the truck. -iberkshires.com
Third Thursday, Touch a Truck, Operation Copsicle, and other random stops throughout the city could all be made much easier with the use of PPD's own ice cream truck, and not having to borrow one.
Officer Derby was recognized recently, as he was awarded the Judge John A. Barry Community Service Award for his efforts.
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