Pittsfield Road Work Schedule For Aug. 30 – Sept. 3
You gotta give it up for the workers doing milling and paving in this heat, it's been no joke this week!
And...everyone loves to complain about potholes and streets that are in major need of repair, so...even if your street didn't make this year's list, please be aware of anyone doing road work in Pittsfield.
Please note the following work is scheduled for Aug. 30 – Sept. 3, as part of the City of Pittsfield’s 2021 Street Improvement Project.
The schedule is as follows:
Monday, Aug. 30 – Tuesday, Aug. 31: raising structures on Buel, Dillon, and Dexter streets and Malcolm Avenue.
Monday, Aug. 30 – Wednesday, Sept. 1: berm installation on Clarkson Avenue, Cadwell Road, Hawthorne Avenue, and Oxford Street.
Thursday, Sept. 2: paving on Valentine Road and Cadwell Road.
Friday, Sept. 3: paving on Brenton Terrace, Hawthorne Avenue, Buel, and Oxford streets.
On-street parking is prohibited during this work between the hours of 6 a.m.-6 p.m. each day. Please note the schedule is subject to change based on weather conditions.
The City of Pittsfield thanks you for your patience during this time.