Route 7 & 20 Head-on Collision Sends Two to Baystate
Investigators believe speed could have been the cause of a Monday afternoon accident that sent two Berkshire County residents to Baystate Medical Center in Springfield.
According to The Berkshire Eagle, Lenox Police are investigating the head-on collision that took place on Route 7 and 20, involving a 2000 Toyota Tundra, driven by 18-year-old Logan Fresia of Pittsfield and a 2010 Buick Enclave driven by 28-year-old Kelsey Lemaire of Adams.
Police responded to the accident just south of the Route 7 and 20 intersection with Route 7A shortly before 4 p.m. yesterday. The southbound Tundra had crossed the grassy median strip sideways and collided with the Buick Enclave, which was traveling in the northbound left lane. Both drivers were the only occupants in their respective vehicles.
Both drivers were transported to Berkshire Medical Center before being transferred to Baystate. According to Lenox Police Cheif Stephen O'Brien, Fresia had "obvious serious injuries" while Lemaire's injuries did not appear to be life-threatening. An update on the condition of either driver was not immediately available.
The accident forced the shutdown of the northbound lanes until 8:15 p.m. when state police investigators cleared the scene.
Lenox Fire Department, Massachusetts State Police from the Lee barracks, the State Police Collision Analysis and Reconstruction Section, the State Police Crime Scene Services Section, along with a representative of the Berkshire District Attorney's Office assisted Lenox Police at the scene.
Lenox Police are asking any eyewitnesses to the accident to them at 413-637-2346.
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