According to the Feds, It all starts with a text message that looks just like an invoice for unpaid toll booths from E-ZPass. But there's one problem, it's a fake text message!
While Facebook Marketplace is a great way to buy and sell items at reasonable prices like no other site, it sometimes it can get a little dangerous. For example, I once bought a car on Marketplace thinking I was getting an amazing deal on a fixer upper only to find out I was sold a lemon when it was too late.
This advice is for my fellow Massachusetts friends and neighbors who enjoy the sport of fishing. If you like to feed your family what you catch, keep reading.
This advice is for my fellow Massachusetts friends and neighbors who enjoy the sport of fishing. If you like to feed your family what you catch, keep reading.
A study has found that one of the most popular states to move out of was Massachusetts while the state of Vermont just over the border saw an increase in percentage of migration. Which honestly does not surprise me at all in certain ways.
Heads up, Massachusetts! A major recall has been issued for a popular organic product that has potentially been contaminated with Salmonella. READ ON...
According to a post on the North Adams Police Department Facebook page, approximately 30 discarded loose needles were dropped into the expired medications drop-off box in the department's lobby.
We have heard on several different occasions this year about fires that were started because of the careless use of Lithium-Ion batteries, which are used very commonly in many different devices that you probably use every day.