A Plan For Vacant GE Lot? Mayor Tyer: Stay Tuned For An Announcement
Mayor Linda M. Tyer made her monthly appearance on Slater and Marjo In The Morning on Wednesday.
The return to full-time hybrid learning within the Pittsfield Public School system started the hour-long conversation which included talk of the safety protocols in place, with emphasis on "pool testing".
"So the testers come in and they take a cohort of people and everybody gets swabbed and all those swabs go into one test kit and they test that whole swab. For the purposes of illustration, let's say it's 25 people, so all 25 swabs go into one test kit, they test that kit". Mayor Tyer explained, "If there's a positive, it's not possible to identify who the positive case is, BUT, the team comes back in and individually tests those same 25 people to identify who is the positive case and then that person is identified and all the other safety measures go into place, (in terms of quarantining and contact tracing), so that's what 'pool testing' is."

We also spoke of wonderful news regarding President Biden's announcement just yesterday imploring that all states include teachers in their current eligibility phase.
Praising Milltown Capital for their seemingly never-ending investment in the city, mentioning mutual love for Dua Lipa, and finally "the question" wrapped up this month's segment.
"What is up with the William Stanley Business Park (GE lot)? Anything on the horizon", asked Slater.
"Stay tuned for an exciting announcement about the future of a large parcel at the William Stanley Business Park. It's another example of the strength our local and state partnerships benefitting the City of Pittsfield", said Tyer. "I'm pretty excited about the announcement we will be making in the next couple of weeks".
As we all know, plans for a Super Walmart at that location fell through in 2016.
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