Annual Onota And Pontoosuc Lake Drawdown
The City of Pittsfield has announced that the annual drawdown of the city lakes is scheduled to begin Monday, Oct. 15.
Both Onota and Pontoosuc lakes will be drawn down approximately 3 ½ feet below their normal spillway elevation. Refill at each lake will begin in early spring 2019. For questions regarding the upcoming lake drawdown, please call 413-499-9344.
Drawdown is a potentially effective means of controlling nuisance aquatic species within shallow areas of Onota Lake. Since nuisance plants such as E. watermilfoil, and Curlyleaf Pondweed are most problematic in shallower areas, this management technique may be particularly effective for the control of nuisance plants. -LOPA
To passersby's notice, last year Onota lake was unusually drawn down to 5.5 feet.
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