Central Berkshire Announces Fall Reopening Plan
In an email from Superintendent Leslie Blake-Davis, Central Berkshire Regional School District announced their fall reopening plan earlier today (Aug. 7).
On Thursday evening (Aug. 6) the CBRSD School Committee voted to approve an updated 2020-2021 School Calendar, to include 10 additional development days prior to the start of the school year, which is Sept. 15, and begin the year in a fully remote format.
This remote format includes a built-in re-evaluation benchmark on Oct. 1. This benchmark is designed to assess local COVID-19 metrics as well as compare the district's data with any statewide guidance that is anticipated-regarding parameters for an in-person model.
The decision the School Committee reached on Thursday evening was based on achieving a shared vision amongst all community members that gave the utmost consideration to the health, safety and well-being of the community.
In order to ensure the district has the capacity to bring their students back (if it is determined that it is safe to do so) the School Committee also approved all three plans (full in-person, hybrid, and fully remote).
The guiding documents that formed the backbone of these plans include direction and documentation provided by the MA Department of Elementary and Secondary education, local medical experts, and community partners.
Additionally, the district's three plans were crafted with input from teachers, administrators, nurses and special education teachers, content specialists, families, and local medical experts.
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