Does Massachusetts Allow You to Put Pizza Boxes in the Recycling Bin?
I love Pizza. Who doesn't right? Living in Pittsfield, I like to try out a variety of places. Sure I have my favorites but I also like to explore. It may sound a bit funny but compared to other Berkshire County towns I lived in prior to moving to Pittsfield 12 years ago, Pittsfield feels like a mecca when it comes to available pizza options. Go ahead and raise your eyebrows while you read this. I don't blame you (check out Massachusetts' favorite pizza topping by going here. You may find it a bit surprising).
I usually get pizza delivered to my house a couple of times each month and Wednesday is the day for recycling in Pittsfield, at least in my neighborhood. I regularly do a good job at getting the materials gathered up making sure I keep the plastic and glass in one container and combining the cardboard and paper in another container. At times a plastic bottle may sneak into the cardboard bucket and vice versa but I double-check the bins to make sure everything is where it needs to be prior to bringing them out to the curb.

One thing I wonder about when I'm placing the empty containers into their bins is if the empty pizza boxes that I have can go in with the other cardboard items. I mean, the boxes are cardboard but I usually just throw the pizza boxes in the trash. Should I be recycling them? Naturally, I went to the internet to find an answer to the following question...
Can I Recycle Pizza Boxes in Massachusetts?
The answer makes sense. You can, as long as the pizza box is very clean. Meaning there's no food still in the box and the container is free from oils and grease etc. If your pizza boxes pass the test, go ahead and flatten the cardboard box and place it in the recycling bin. Otherwise, just throw it in the trash to keep the container from contaminating the other items in the recycling bin. So, there you go there's the answer to the great pizza box recycling mystery.
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