This Outdoor Activity Will Very Soon be Illegal in Massachusetts
Another sign that spring is moving forward and summer is not too far off in the distance is certain activities coming to an end in Massachusetts. We recently mentioned that your snow tires need to come off by the end of April or you could incur a fine. You can read more about this by going here.

Another thing that will be coming to an end beginning in May, is open burning. You can legally participate in open burning in Massachusetts between January 15 and May 1. After that, the activity is prohibited by the state. (Go here to view items that are prohibited from open burning in Massachusetts).
You Need a Permit for Open Burning in Massachusetts
As a reminder, in order to partake in open burning in Massachusetts, you'll need an opening burning permit which you can access from your local fire department or local fire chief. Since it's getting toward the final days of the season, you'll need to get one quick if you plan on squeezing in any burning activity prior to May 1.

A Few Rules to Keep in Mind Regarding Open Burning in Massachusetts
If you plan on participating in open burning, Mass.gov reminds you of some safety rules that you must follow. Burning must be done...
- Between 10:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. from January 15 to May 1
- At least 75 feet from all dwellings
- As close as possible to the source of material being burned
- When air quality is acceptable for burning. Call the MassDEP Air Quality Hotline at (800) 882-1497 to find out if it is.
In addition, there are certain communities throughout Massachusetts that are excluded from open burning which you can check out by going here.
Items Prohibited from Open Burning in Massachusetts
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