brake checking

Is Brake Checking Legal In Massachusetts?
Is Brake Checking Legal In Massachusetts?
Is Brake Checking Legal In Massachusetts?
It is tempting isn't it? When a person is following too closely it can anger one to the point of real road rage. I'm a tailgater and I feel this way haha. There is probably two reasons why people tailgate others... 1. The person in front of you is legit traveling WAY too slow and you wanna prove a point...
Is It Illegal To Slam On Your Brakes If You're Being Tailgated?
Is It Illegal To Slam On Your Brakes If You're Being Tailgated?
Is It Illegal To Slam On Your Brakes If You're Being Tailgated?
It is tempting isn't it? When a person is following too closely it can anger one to the point of real road rage. I'm a tailgater and I feel this way haha. There is probably two reasons why people tailgate others... 1. The person in front of you is legit traveling WAY too slow and you wanna prove a point...