Who’s Gotta Remove Roadkill In Massachusetts? Sometimes You Have To…
When an animal gets hit by a car in Massachusetts, no matter the size, what happens?
Deer, raccoon, skunk, squirrel, or a dead turtle, who is daunted with the task of removing thus wildlife?
Deceased wildlife on private property is on the owner of said property.
Roadkill found on state roads or highways can be removed by MassDOT.
Your local animal control officer can be contacted if any roadkill is found on town or city property.
Some cities and towns will accept dead animals in your regular trash granted that is in a garbage bag.
What About Deer?
You've got to be on the lookout for wildlife, right? Like, all of the time. My buddy almost died in a car crash after striking a deer on the mass pike about twenty years ago. It was dark out, however, it forever changed him.
The state has done a nice job of posting warnings of certain animals who frequently cross heavily traveled roadways. It's scary, too. There have been many times where I've come very close to hitting a deer crossing the highway at 75 MPH.
If you do strike a deer, though, what do you do?
I'm not a hunter, so I have no personal interest in this, but I have always wondered this.
In Massachusetts, If You Hit and Kill A Deer, Can You Claim It/Take It Home?
You can.
The following information from the Massachusetts Environmental Police will guide you on what to do if you ever find yourself in this situation.
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