Yes, It’s Illegal Not To Have This On Your House In Massachusetts
I was on a jog this morning and during my normal looking around at the neighborhood houses, I came across a home that had their address displayed in massively sized numbers on their front door. I was like, wow, there is no mistaking what this guy's house number is!
So, after thinking about it, I realized that hey, I don't think have numbers on my front door! Whoever lived in the house before me, though, had them on the original front door because I can see the number's outline on it.
As my run continued, I sort of noticed that MOST, if not all, houses did have their number on them. This got me questioning if I was breaking the law. I mean, I certainly am not not displaying my house number for any reason, they're just not on the door! I do have my address on my mailbox, though, so, I'm not a total jerk.
It's Illegal Not To Have This On Your House In Massachusetts.
Yes, must you display your address number on your house.
Well, the main reason...
Seconds Count in an Emergency
• Protect your family and your property by having large visible house numbers.
• Firefighters, police officers, and paramedics find you faster when your home is properly marked.
• A visitor, child or injured person may be unable to give clear directions.
• Emergency personnel from a neighboring community may be unfamiliar with your area.
Use Large Visible Numbers
• Numbers need to be at least 4-inches in height and facing the street.
• Put the numbers under lighting, and use numbers with a contrasting background, so they will be visible at night.
• Be sure to use the E-911 address for the property.
• If your driveway is long, post your house number on both sides of a mailbox or sign pole at the end of the driveway near the road.
• Be sure to keep numbers visible by trimming trees and bushes.
It’s the Law!
• Massachusetts General Laws C. 148, S. 59. specifies that every building in the state must have clearly visible address numbers posted.
Information courtesy of mass.gov
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