2 Mass. Cities Have Trump HQ, Campaign Offices
President Donald Trump is making another bid for the presidency in November. It's unlikely he'll win Massachusetts, but supporters are hopeful. The last time Massachusetts went red in a presidential election was 1984 when Reagan beat Walter Mondale.
These 2 Mass. Cities Have Trump Campaign offices
Team Trump has opened up a new campaign headquarters in New Bedford, MA.
The office is located at the DeMello International Center on Union Street in New Bedford.
There is another Trump campaign office in Northboro, MA as well.
Trump Lost to Nikki Haley in these Massachusetts towns back in March's primary
- Newburyport
- Rockport
- Manchester by the Sea
- Andover
- Hamilton
- Wenham
- Eastham
- Provincetown
- Chilmark
- Gosnold
- Hingham
- Cohasset
- Winchester
- Lexington
- Arlington
- Cambridge
- Somerville
- Marblehead
- Groton
- Westford
- Carlisle
- Bedford
- Acton
- Concord
- Littleton
- Boxborough
- Arlington
- Lincoln
- Newton
- Wellesley
- Brookline
- Westwood
- Dover
- Medfield
- Hopkinton
- Ashland
- Holliston
- Sherborn
- Northborough
- Westborough
- Bolton
- Stow
- Groton
- Sudbury
- Wayland
- Pelham
- Amherstown
- Northampton
- Ashfield
- Great Barrington
- Egremont
- Mount Washington
- Alford
- Stockbridge
- Lenox
- Richmond
- Williamstown
- Monroe
- Windsor
- Buckland
- Warwick
- Chesterfield
- Chutesbury
- Deerfield
- Sunderland
A second presidential debate is scheduled for September 10, 2024 on ABC. The first debate (CNN) was last Thursday and has left Democrats scrambling to find a potential candidate to replace Joe Biden before he officially receives the party's nomination.
President Biden's performance showed definite signs of cognitive decline and is rumored to step down. The DNC begins Aug. 19, 2024 in Chicago. The Supreme Court has just granted some presidential immunity to former President Trump delaying one of his trials until after November.
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Gallery Credit: Stephen Lenz