You Scared Bro? This the Number One Fear Among Massachusetts Residents
The COVID-19 pandemic that has (literally) plagued the world for the past two years is on the top of most people's minds, but as it turns out, it's not people's number one fear.
An analytics company by the name of Your Local Security looked into the most searched fears in Massachusetts and while I thought for sure COVID-19, and things relating to that would take the cake, even in 2021, the fear of failure took the top spot. Yup, the fear of failure, bunch of overachievers in Massachusetts I guess.
Massachusetts wasn't the only state that had fear of failure topping their list. Nine other states include Alabama, Arkansas, Colorado, Minnesota, Nebraska, Ohio, Vermont, Virginia, and Wisconsin.
I can't help but wonder if there is a correlation between the fact that Massachusetts residents are afraid of failure and the fact that we are the state with more colleges per capita than any other? Since we place a lot of value in education, maybe that somehow correlates with success. Just some food for thought.
Other fears that made the list, but weren't number one? Fear of flying, blood, spiders, intimacy, heights, and even people. In fact, fear of people topped the list in the state of Montana. Makes you wonder, right?
So how exactly does Your Local Security figure this out? According to their website, they input the top 15 terms for fears from our 2020 report into Google Trends. Then they review search volume over the past year to determine the most searched phobia in each state.
Does the top fear in Massachusetts match up with your personal list?